SYSCID is welcomed to the IHEC family!
Only one month after the official project start, SYSCID´s application has unanimously been approved by the members of the International Human Epigenome Consortium (IHEC). Project coordinator Philip Rosenstiel (CAU) will join and partner Jörn Walter (USAAR) continue to serve as members of the International Scientific Steering Committee (ISSC). Furthermore, other SYSCID partners may join the different IHEC working groups.
During the next five years, SYSCID will build on the high quality epigenetic data sets from IHEC, and other large European and/or international cohorts and initiatives. The members of the project consortium play key roles in these networks and have contributed to data generation and data management. Through strategic synergies between past and ongoing initiatives, SYSCID will benefit from substantial past investment in data generation and enable their utilisation for the development of new clinical applications.
IHEC is a global consortium providing free access to high-resolution reference human epigenome maps for normal and diseased cell types to the research community. Among its members, IHEC facilitates communication and coordination with the objective of avoiding redundant research efforts, implementing high data quality standards and maximising efficiency among the scientists working to understand, treat and prevent diseases.
To find out more about IHEC, please visit the following link: