SYSCID behind the scenes - Visiting Eurice
To give an insight into the SYSCID work performed by the partners, this small lab series will tour from one partner site to another, giving a glimpse of the tasks carried out at the moment. Our first stop is the Eurice office in Saarbrücken (Germany):
It’s all about communication…
Creating visibility for SYSCID is one of the main activities of Eurice in project month 6. Therefore our team is working feverishly on the SYSCID presentation through different channels such as the project website, Twitter and an E-Newsletter but also creating materials such as flyers, folders, pens, writing pads, USB sticks and many more which can be used by all partners when on the road and at conferences representing the project.
…and organisation too
Next to that, we make sure that the first deadlines for deliverables (reports on one specific aspect of the project) can be met, designing templates and kindly bugging partners to provide their input. As project helpdesk we also offer administrative support currently preparing a webinar on Horizon2020 financial management to guide the partners through what at a first glance might seem to be a maze of administrative provisions. Within the SYSCID consortium, our goal is to support the overall project management and to coordinate the exploitation and communication activities. These include strategic development, innovation monitoring and implementation of various communication actions.