SYSCID 4th Annual Progress Meeting
Given the current conditions of restricted travel and physical interactions, the SYSCID consortium conducted its annual meeting in full virtual mode on 21st April 2020 instead of meeting up in Geneva.
After a warm welcome by coordinator Philip Rosenstiel, the partners dived into work right away. In a very efficient atmosphere, the consortium members discussed the presented status updates and current challenges of the project. Of course, SYSCID is also affected of the global corona virus pandemic. The resources for research activities are thus very limited - and if not highly urgent – postponed. The non-clinical consortium partners confirmed that they are still able to perform their tasks in SYSCID as planned and the whole consortium, also the clinical partners, are still working closely together to keep the project progressing and mitigate the effects of COVID-19. The overall effect on the project can not yet be measured and will be assessed on a regular basis.
However, all in all, the coordinator and the project partners are pleased with the progress and achievements the project made since the last meeting.